Stepping Forth into the World:The Chinese Educational Mission to the United States, 1872-81出版社:香港大學出版社作者:Edward J. M. Rhoads優惠價:880元The Chinese Educational Mission was the earliest effort at educational modernization in China. As part of the Self-Strengthening Movement, the Qing government sent 120 young boys to New England to live and study for a decade, befo…more
清皇陵地宮親探記出版社:遠流作者:徐廣源優惠價:9折378元徐廣源,一位從農民中脫穎而出,從清東陵文物保管所基層人員做起的陵寢專家。 他親手整理過慈禧遺體,找到了香妃(容妃)頭骨; 他參與了乾隆裕陵地宮、慈禧菩陀峪定東陵地宮、香妃地宮及純惠皇貴妃地宮的清理發掘; 他探查過誠嬪(乾隆帝…more
The Empress and Mrs. Conger:The Uncommon Friendship of Two Women and Two Worlds出版社:香港大學出版社作者:Grant Hayter-Menzies優惠價:1332元The story of two women from worlds that could not seem farther apart—imperial China and the American Midwest—who found common ground before and after one of the greatest clashes between East and West, the fifty-five-day siege of…more
漂流:我一個人在海上76天出版社:早安財經作者:史帝芬.卡拉漢優惠價:9折315元導演李安如此形容本書:似禪如詩,真是一部福音! 獲選《國家地理探險者》史上百大探險經典 《紐約時報》連續36周超級暢銷書 沒有這本書,李安可能拍不成《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》 沒有這本書,人類無法如此理解海洋 沒有這本書,一個…more
Transforming History:The Making of a Modern Academic Discipline in Twentieth-Century China(中國歷史)出版社:香港中文大學作者:Brian Moloughney、Peter Zarrow優惠價:1560元Transforming History examines the profound transformation of historical thought and practice of writing history from the late Qing through the mid-twentieth century. The authors devote extensive analysis to the common set of intel…more
全球最美的100世外桃源出版社:大旗出版社作者:環球國家地理編輯委員會優惠價:7折196元逃離了俗世喧囂,尋一方淨土,踏入夢境那一刻,赫然間發現,這裡花依然芬芳,風依然歌唱。 這是一系列讓你用眼睛去旅行書。以遙遠的上谷傳說,到一次次深刻而親切的回憶,從南半球到北半球,從過去到今天,浩如煙海的歲月裡,多少地球與人類的奇…more
宜蘭河生命史討論會論文集-故鄉的河慢慢的流(平)出版社:宜蘭縣縣史館作者:黃於玲 李素月編優惠價:95折190元2001年5月5日由宜蘭縣政府主辦,仰山文教基金會承辦之「故鄉的河慢慢的流-宜蘭河生命史討論會」,於宜蘭市南屏國小召開,會中進行四場討論會,共發表十篇文章。…more
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161 03 2013